Wednesday, November 13, 2013

berawal dari Toko Bangunan dan sebuah keinginan...

Hello Fellows...

Apa kabar?

Jadi ceritanya gini, dari dulu gue pengen banget punya kalung dengan tulisan inisial nama (which is R) tapi entah kenapa sampe sekarang gak pernah nemu... Entah itu yang ada bukan huruf R, kalungnya terlalu heboh, dan alesan lainnya (termasuk keuangan lol) yang ngebuat sampe detik ini gue belum punya kalung dengan huruf inisial...

Kalung yang gue maksud ini bukan kalung dengan liontin kecil berhurufkan R loh ya, tapi semacem kalung hip-hop bling bling (which was a must-have-item around 2000) yang biasanya dengan tulisan $ (money)..

Sampe akhirnya keinginan masa lalu untuk punya kalung inisial R ini muncul dan bangkit kembali pada saat gue ikut keluarga sepupu ke Toko Bangunan... Yep... Jangan kaget dan heran... Kalung yang gue buat bukan berbahan dasar semen, batu bata, ataupun genteng... But I found this R piece in the Door Material Section...

I bought the background of this picture for next DIY

My cousin asked me "what are you going to do with that thing?". Then I replied "I'm going to make a Necklace from it".......

See the process of making it happen below...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Hello Fellows...

I'm back with my little monster side *horns out* *the cute one* *lol*

Middle West (including LOVELY INDONESIA) version

Did you notice something different?? No?? Well let me show you the other picture of it...


Hahahhahaha!! Yasss.... Gaga's legs are transformed into black.. It looks like Gaga is wearing a black legging... and another difference is The Koons (blue) Ball is bigger in the Middle East album cover...
Well, Gaga is not the only victim of this "Censored Album Cover"... You can check out the rest here...

what happened before #ngeblogyuk event....

Hello Fellows...

Let me introduce you to some of my campus' mate... They are Bagas (the Photographer), Yuka and Akbar.. We were having fun at a Park which located in Bintaro... It was my first time visiting Menteng Bintaro park...

we are having different pose are'nt we?
Maybe for some of you asking, what is the purpose of having this kind-of-photoshoot? Well.. As I said before, kita cuma seneng-seneng... Ngisi waktu lain dan juga sekalian narsis lol..

More photos by Bagas Anggoro (you can check his twitter HERE)

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Hello Fellows...

Maybe for some people who followed me on twitter or instagram were questioning what kind of Music Video that I was making that day...

Friday, November 8, 2013

#ngeblogyuk Bareng Benakribo (...the continuation)

Hello Fellows...

As I promised you from the previous post, I'm going to share the captured moments from #ngeblogyuk Bareng Benakribo hari Selasa tgl 5 November kemaren..

Sedikit tentang #ngeblogyuk itu acara iseng yang diadain sama kak Benakribo utk kumpul bareng blogger-blogger di Jakarta.. Blogger-blogger yg hadir ini sebelumnya udah kirim data mereka via e-mail. Setelah itu dipilih beberapa Blogger yg memang memiliki passion dan menjiwai (halah) Blog mereka masing-masing..

Acara ini diadain di salah satu Coffe Shop di Mall Jakarta Pusat.. Tempat ini dipilih kareng tempat yg paling strategis, karena berlokasi di jalan besar Jakarta.. (can you guess where it is? kecuali Blogger yg dateng dan ada di gambar disamping ya..)

Well, you better read more for the rest story...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

#ngeblogyuk barengan Benakribo (to be continued...)

Hello Fellows....

Wah, it has been 4 days since the last time I posted a story in my blog...
Rasanya ada yg aneh sekarang kalo gak cerita di blog..

Well, anyway..
Hari ini gue abis ikutan kumpul bareng temen-temen blogger Jakarta di acara #ngeblogyuk by Benakribo.. Sebenernya sih acara santai gitu, just hanging out and having a talk about blogging.. Selain kak Bena, dateng juga temen-temen blogger lain :

Friday, November 1, 2013

What A Wednesday

Hello Fellows....

How is your weekend?
So last Wednesday I went to Gandaria City watching THOR : Dark World IMAX 3D with Kak Bena, Kak Vendryana and Izzan (Vendryana's lil Brother)..
Buat kalian yang belum nonton film pertama dari THOR, jangan khawatir, karena gue juga belum nonton tapi ngerti kok alur ceritanya (gak begitu berhubungan).. So.. It's okay.. Stay focused on the movie, ignore the question marks in your mind because you can watch the first sequel later..
Tapi buat kalian yang mau nonton THOR, gue saranin buat nonton yang 2D aja.. Karena effect 3Dnya gak begitu berasa.. Mungkin gambar lebih tajam aja sih... and LOKI is charming as always...
Oiya, jangan keluar sebelum kredit akhir abis.. Agak lama sih, tapi gue gak mau spoiler.. Intinya tunggu bentaran doang, sekali kali kasih penghargaan sama orang-orang dibalik layar :) Karena ada 2 video extra di akhir film THOR ini.. hehehe

Sedikit ngomongin film jadi laper.. We decided to eat at Marugame Udon.. This was my first time eating in here.. The prices are well a little expensive, but you definitely have to try this very authentic taste of Japanese origin Udon ^^ Mau ngintip gimana penampakan Udon asli dari Jepang??

Halloween Night #PARANOIT2

Hello Fellows...

Last night, I joined PARANOIT Chapter 2.
This year is the first time of me being a part in a Halloween Event.
Actually I signed up for three people, but unfortunately, my friends can't come and join
me.. :(
Even I was alone, the PARTY must go on, right??

PARANOIT (Parade Nonton Horror Sampe Koit) Chapter 2 adalah event yang dibuat oleh MovieGoersID, WatDeFakMovie, FlickMagazines dan di sponsori oleh KisahHorror, Jive Movies, Cinemags berlokasi di Gandaria City Mall, Jakarta Selatan (31/10/2013).
Acara ini dibuka untuk Registrasi Ulang Peserta mulai 18.30 WIB, sedangkan acara PARANOIT Chapter 2 ini baru dimulai jam 19.30 s/d 22.30 WIB.

Antrian Peserta Daftar Ulang