Friday, March 20, 2015

#THROWBACK Behind The Scene : BA-NA-NA Photoshoot @Jungle Land, Bogor.

Hey guys!

Lagi beresin laptop and then I found a lot of old pictures. Pernah gak utak-atik laptop terus nemu banyak foto-foto yang lo aja mungkin gak nyangka eh kok gue nyimpen foto ini? Maybe photos of you and your ex? :p

But wait, you won't find a photo of me with my ex in this post tho.

I was recalling a memory of having a photoshoot with IWEARBANANA at Jungle Land, Sentul, Bogor in 2013. Seru banget! Gak berasa kalo lagi ngadain photoshoot untuk katalog. Karena biasanya, catalogue photoshoot was done in a studio, tapi kali ini outdoor+ditaman hiburan juga.

Kita berangkat dari Jakarta dari pagi. Rombongan yang berangkat adalah all BA-NA-NA Ambassador (Gerry, Dhino, Dina, Natasha, Nada), Ka Bintang, Ka Bena, Ka Vendry and also Syani. Sekitar jam 10an kita sampe di Jungle Land. Terus brunch bareng di salah satu restaurant disana sambil ganti outfit.

Masing-masing Brand Ambassador kebagian untuk foto 2 produk, I had VIP tees and Besok Libur tees.
Pertama, gue kebagian untuk foto kaos Besok Libur bareng sama Nada. Seterusnya sambil nunggu giliran untuk foto kaos VIP.

...while waiting...

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.

And after while it's done, gak kerasa udah sore menjelang malem. Tadinya, mau main bareng wahana disana, ternyata yang buka cuma rumah hantu. Dan pas kita mau masuk rumah hantunya, tiba-tiba....

...Jungle Land mati lampu listrik...

Untungnya sebelum ada pemadaman itu kita serombongan udah photo group. Here they are the photos right before the lights off.

Oh yeah, here it is one of the photo which is published at @iwearbanana website. And you can purchase the tees worldwide here :


  1. it's kinda like work while holiday right

  2. Thank you, friend, very helpful for beginners like me :)
    Jagoan Kode
    Jagoan Kode
